Monday, April 8, 2024



Unfortunately, I haven't been active on this site for quite some time due to life changes, marriage, becoming a father, and many more life milestones. During my absence, my domain lapsed and I was unaware. It was eventually purchased by someone else. This person also STOLE all of the artwork, web design and reviews all created by ME. This person now parades it as his own and hosts his own reviews while keeping my original design intact. This person has never made an effort to contact me and has never made any attempt to include me, THE CREATOR, in his use of the stolen brand. I’m not hard to find online….

After numerous attempts to contact this thief as well as calling them out on now non-existing social media accounts. A Cease-and-Desist letter has been drawn up but we are unable to make or find contact information for this person.

So in short, to read all of the upcoming reviews and see the original vision on this site please visit I have decided to pick the mantel back up and continue on with the site as originally intended.

To the thief, Brian, It’s unfortunate that you do not have enough creativity to make your own brand, so you had to resort to sealing someone else’s intellectual property. If I do find out your contact information, expect that cease and desist. Until then, Fuck you.

Blaine Gaiser
(Creator, Artist & Writer of Gory Little Pieces)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cassadaga (2011)

The best part of finding a movie that is actually worth watching, is when comes in the form of something that you normally would not have given the time of day. With the film dabbling in such topics as murder, psychics, and self mutilation the film takes itself seriously and doesn't let up until the final reel.

Directed by Anthony DiBlasi, Cassadaga is a film about a deaf woman who uproots her life after she experiences a devastating tragedy. Not long moving to a new town she realizes that something is not quite right when she starts experiencing unexplainable events. Written by Bruce Wood & Scott Poiley, Cassadaga's strengths lies in its story. The tale is an intriguing one at that and guessing whos the killer is the best part. The film seems familiar at times but seems to come into its own as the film progresses.

Cassadaga stars Kelen Coleman, Kevin Alejandro, and Academy Award Winner Louise Fletcher. The acting in the film is not bad, there are some parts that could be better. Overall the actors did a very good job with their respective rolesThe beautiful Kelen Coleman did a wonderful job as the deaf Lily, however I really wish the writers would have incorporated more barriers with Lily's disability. The way the character was portrayed was like she wasn't deaf at all. Kelen did a great job, and in the process showed off some pretty decent talent in the process. Kevin Alejandro (True Blood) did a decent job as Mike, although I feel his acting skill was best put to use in his time on True Blood. The other actors in the film did a good job with their respective roles and helped take the film to another level.

My favorite aspect of the film was that of the serial killer dubbed "Geppetto". His story is twisted, dark and all around creepy which makes for good cinema. What makes Geppetto such a strong selling point for me is because i don't recall seeing it before. As the amazing poster art implies Geppetto turns his victims into human marionette puppets! That alone would be creepy enough, but as it turns out, is a major selling point for the film.

When talking about the effects the film, the crew makes use of some decent film & sound editing techniques. As for special effects make-up the film boasts limb removal, self mutilation, some maggots, rotting corpses, and a pretty cool ghost makeup. Also for the subject matter in the film, its rather light on red stuff. Thats is ok because the film doesn't need the gore shocks to get it point across. It mainly uses creepy imagery and atmosphere to get its point across. As for skin...forget about it...You get 1 or two scenes of the gorgeous Kelen running around in short nightgown, and on strategically placed camera angle during a love scene.

Cassadaga is a very good horror movie with ideas of its own. With solid cast, a great script, and a fine director the film stays true to itself and delivers of good original storytelling. A unique killer, with a pension for puppets brings the film to a whole new level of creepiness as well. GLP gives this indie gem a solid 4 out of 5 stabs for creative killer, script, and acting. If your interested in seeing Cassadaga you can check it out on demand (vudu, amazon, itunes, & google play) or buy it on DVD. For more information on the film please visit the films Official Facebook Page. View the trailer below!

GLP Reviews:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Banshee Chapter (2013)

Mind control, hallucinogenic drugs, government experiments, mysterious radio broadcasts...These are all things that have at, one point or another, I have been curious about. The scary truth about most of these, is that we (civilians) do not know much about these things.  Government experiments alone are enough to make my skin crawl, not to mention the numbers stations.

Banshee Chapter is about Anna (Katia Winter), a journalist looking to uncover the truth about the mysterious disappearance of her friend James (Michael McMillian). The deeper she gets into uncovering the mystery...the farther she spirals into a world of government coverups, testing, and mysterious radio broadcasts.

Banshee Chapter is a film that blends many different styles of horror into one. Directed by newcomer Blair Erickson,  the film utilizes found footage, archival footage, and traditional shooting styles to portray its story. The film sets a nice pace early on, and it keeps it up throughout most of film. From the amount of things that are intertwined to comprise the story, the film could have easily been convoluted and hard to follow. Written by Daniel J. Healy and adapted for the screen by Blair Erickson, The film story is strong, and keeps you on your toes.

The acting was another big plus for the film. Banshee Chapter stars Ted Levine (Silence of The Lambs, Joyride), Katia Winter (Dexter, Fox's Sleepy Hollow), & Michael McMilian (True Blood).  All three did an amazing job with their roles, but Levine and Winter were outstanding throughout.  Levine's character Thomas Blackburn, resembles that of Hunter S. Thompson which was an added bonus.

The film is rather light on the gore. Fans of red stuff get a few blood sprays and some intestine entrails. The special effects of the film are subtle but pulled off well with lighting tricks and camera angles. We were also treated to deformed humans, which is a pretty cool treat.

Banshee Chapter is a smart and thought provoking film that will make you really think about what you think you know. The film is shot, written, and acted very well and was a very nice way to start the new year! GLP gives this conspiracy theorist dream a solid 4 out of 5 stabs for creative story, great acting, and solid effects. You can currently view the movie through most on demand providers such as amazon, itunes, comcast ect. The film is set to be released on February 4th, 2014 to DVD. For more information on Banshee Chapter visit the films Facebook page. View The trailer below.

GLP Rating: